mary-sueEast Montpelier Trails Inc. maintains a list of volunteers who have indicated a desire to help with trail projects. We will reach out to you to request help on planned project days. Please Join!! If you would like to get
involved as a trail volunteer, please contact Allan Serrano, our volunteer coordinator at: [email protected]   OR   715-558-9734

Trails Day Saturday, June 7th, 2025

EMTI always plans for a work day on National Trails Day, the first Saturday in June, and additional work days are scheduled at different times throughout summer and fall as needed. Trail projects include various activities: trail building, trail repair, hanging signage, clearing of overgrowth/downed trees, improving drainage, plantings to control erosion, etc. There is something to do for all ages and skill levels.

Trails Committee believes the focus for 2025 will be trail
work on the Sparrow Farm Trail boardwalk including demolition of the current boardwalk and rebuilding a new improved boardwalk. Continued work on building the Sparrow Farm North Trail will also be continuing.  There is much to do!

Call for Volunteer Vegetation Cutters in 2025!!
Certain trail segments in our great little trail network are too difficult and
inaccessible for a mechanized mower to reach. The Trails Committee is
seeking people living nearby who regularly use these segments and would be
willing to volunteer and commit to cutting back the vegetation 2 to 3 times
during the summer. Cutting back the vegetation not only makes trail use more
enjoyable but also keeps the trail tread open/visible and reduces human-tick
interaction. The Trails Committee can train and provide volunteers with a cutter
tool to carry out the needed cutting

Segments where volunteer vegetation cutters are needed include:

*  300 feet of Horseshoe Loop (starting at signed junction with Ormsbee Trail);
*  100 feet of re-routed Ormsbee Trail along the western edge of crop field;
*  200 feet of Ormsbee Trail to the north of the crop field starting at the signed
junction with Horseshoe Loop;
*  100 feet of trail heading west of Center Road parking area; and,
*  Mallory Brook Trail starting from the edge of the old log landing/meadow and
extending down the trail for about 250 feet.

We often have more work to do than volunteers to do it. If you would like to get
more involved as a trail volunteer, please contact Allan Serrano, our volunteer coordinator at:

[email protected]   OR   715-558-9734



We are always happy to get financial support, which adds to our resources for planning, repairs and new projects.
We are a 501c-3 organization so your donation is tax deductible.

You can send  a check to:

East Montpelier Trails
c/o Richard Brock
234 Cutler Heights Road
Montpelier VT 05602

Thanks for your interest in East Montpelier Trails!